Over 95% of the the UK construction sector is made up of SMEs, particularly micro businesses and sole traders.
Digital Enablement for SMEs (DESME) focuses on these small businesses in Plymouth, Exeter and across Devon, helping to up-skill people with digital tools and knowledge. The programme is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), through Devon County Council and is delivered by YTKO through Building Growth South West. Its aim is to improve the management of their business, increase efficiency and help them to grow their reach.
The Lloyds Business Digital Index 2018 highlighted £84.5bn is being lost to the UK economy through 42% of SMEs not having the five basic digital skills:
- Managing information: Find, manage and store digital information and content
- Communicating: Communicate, interact, collaborate, share and connect with others
- Transacting: Purchase and sell goods and services, organise finances, register for and use Government digital services
- Creating: Engage with communities and create basic digital content
- Problem Solving: Increase independence and confidence by solving problems using digital tools and finding solutions
Measure your Digital Maturity
The Digital Maturity Index is a self-assessment tool which has been created as part of the DESME programme which has been created to enable businesses to gain an understanding of their digital strengths and weaknesses. It offers insights into digital tools that may help their business to develop and grow.
The tool has been designed to be completed by business managers on behalf of their own company. Once completed, they can download a report which will provide targeted information to guide them to funded digital training courses and resources as well as further advice from DESME’s expert digital advisors.
Digital Course Finder
Search Digital Skills courses and training opportunities across Devon and the wider South West using the Digital Skills Finder.
This tool is aimed at helping individuals looking to retrain or learn new skills and businesses looking for digital skills training for their employees.
Our Partners

Devon County Council is helping small businesses across the county to make the most of digital tools, improve the management of their company and increase efficiency.

We have over 40 years’ experience, facilitating growth in our clients’ businesses by increasing their productivity, revenues and market share, and in turn, contribute to economic prosperity by creating wealth and jobs.